Seven Months Post-Op: Morton's Neuroma Surgery

I thought I was done posting about my foot surgery, but I have appreciated all the feedback from other neuroma sufferers in previous posts and just want to add a few more encouraging words.

I noticed a big improvement at the six month mark after surgery. But in the last month, I have noticed two more big changes. My scars have really started to fade over the last four weeks. And I've also noticed that my feet don't bother me at all while doing a Zumba class now. I am jumping and dancing for an hour (sometimes an hour and a half) and I don't even feel any swelling. But shoes make a difference. I have been wearing some Adidas running shoes I picked up at TJ Maxx. Last night I wore regular walking/cross training shoes (sneakers) and my feet were sore after my workout. They are still a little sore even this morning. So I will wear only the running shoes from here on.

I can't believe how much the scars have faded in the last month!

If you have recently had this surgery or are facing it, I hope you will be encouraged by my progress! I'm so glad I mustered the courage to do both feet at the same time!

By the way, I bowled two games after lifting weights and doing an hour of Zumba last night. No pain. But you know what does cause me pain? Just looking at a pair of high heels!


Cindy Thomson said…
Thanks, Shari. So good to see your pretty feet!
CarlybirdH said…
Hi Shari, I started reading your blog before having my bilateral morton's neuroma excision. I am almost 6 weeks post-op and still having quite a bit of pain. You have encouraged me to be more patient in my recovery. I can see now that it will take a long time. Thank you for all the great information. I have enjoyed reading your other posts as well. My mother had leukemia as well, but she had CML, so I love hearing that your husband is in remission. Again, thank you for the updates. God bless.
Kansas Hobbs' said…
Today is day 10 post surgery. I go for my first check up tomorrow and am hoping to get stitches out Friday. I seem to do better walking on my heel as the boot/shoe puts pressure on the incision. Does this improve when the stitches are removed? I am a middle school librarian and I will return to work tomorrow. I have great help, but am REALLY nervous!
Shari said…
I really enjoy hearing from my fellow neuroma sufferers! Thanks for posting comments, Kansas and Carlybird. I'm glad you have enjoyed my blog.

I walked on my heels a lot and on the sides of my feet until it was comfortable to put any weight on my foot normally. At this point, I don't remember how long it took without reading my own updates! I am so glad I documented the steps of healing. I do remember that I felt pressure and pulling on the incision for quite a while -- even after the incision looked healed and after the stitches were out. Remember not to lift anything for 6-8 weeks! The incision is healing inside as well as outside.
Kansas Hobbs' said…
Ok - definitely back to work too early. Went to the doctor Monday, stitches will not come out until NEXT Tuesday...wish I had waited until after that to go back to work. I am using a knee roller at work, but because my foot points down it swells quickly. I will do my best to modify my schedule for the next three weeks and then hope Christmas break will offer more relief.
Randy said…
Ok I've been posting on Shari's blog for about 6 weeks. It's been 9 weeks since I had both feet operated on and I can say I'm on my horse again Literly cutting wearing boots still have a little swelling kinda of like when it started, you thought your socks were bunched up. Between your toes. I can see that this was a huge success I love it
Shari said…
I love reading all the updates! Thanks for sharing, Randy!

I think the easiest mistake for anyone to make following this surgery is to do too much too soon. Fortunately, it doesn't harm you. It just reminds you that healing requires patience and a certain amount of rest. Whenever I overdid it, I just had to give my feet more rest to recover. But it was never more than swelling and soreness.

BTW, I still feel little tingly, electrical impulses in the bottoms of my feet when I touch certain spots. And my surgery was March 6 2012. (But not when I'm standing or walking. It's more when I rub lotion into my feet.)
Kansas Hobbs' said…
Well, went yesterday to get stitches out...Don't think I mentioned they not only had to do the top incision, but also had to go between my 3/4 toes and a little behind. He took those stitches out yesterday and HOLY COW. Can't believe how much it hurt! I go back again in a week and they will take out top stitches. That will be 25 days post surgery. This week at work is much better as I am learning to sit more and roll less. LOL. Last night for the first time, my foot started playing "nerve pinball". Random sharp shootin pans all over my foot. I knew it would come. Not terrible pain, just uncomfortable!
Kansas Hobbs' said…
Ok Shari - some honest feedback please. I am 23 days out of surgery. I had to call my doctor at home today, Sunday, because I have been miserable all since late Friday. My foot swells terribly if the foot is not up. I have developed a "bulb of blood" on the back of one of my toes. The top stitches are pulling like crazy! Anyway, he is having me come in tomorrow morning early. Question: How long were your top stitches in and how bad was the pain when they were removed. I want SOMETHING done, but the thought of him even touching my foot makes me nauseus. He is having me do a betadine soak twice a day today.
Shari said…
Okay, Kansas! How is this for a quick response?

You have probably overdone it a bit. I did the same thing and had some minor consequences as well. When your feet swell a lot, it means you are not giving them enough rest. I have to go back and look at my own blog to tell you exactly how long it was when I had my stitches removed. I'm far enough out that it's all a blur now. And for that reason I am SO glad I documented details on my blog! But I think mine came out within two weeks.

For me, it was not that painful having them out. I did take a pain pill an hour before my appt. because I was concerned about the pain. But I could have done it without pain medication. There was one stitch that the nurse had to tug on a little bit and that wasn't exactly fun, but it wasn't bad pain. And I don't consider myself all that tough. I only had top stitches. There was no cutting on the bottoms of my feet.
Shari said…
PS Search my blog for 'stitch abscess' to see if what you have resembles what I had. I blogged numerous times about my progress, not just this one post. I posted pictures.
Kansas Hobbs' said…
First, thanks for the reply. It helps so much to discuss with someone who understands. I read your abscess that is not like mine. I actually have a "bulb of blood" about the size of a BB on the back of my toe, above the incision. The betadine soak seemed to help a little. It just seems like I am going backward. At work, I use my knee roller, but at home I walk on my heel. Today, I can't put weight on my heel as it sends a rod of pain across the top of my foot into my 4th toe. I just think those stitches have been in too long. I will take a pain pill before I go and I covet your prayers.
Kansas Hobbs' said…
Well I had everyone in all 50 states praying, so it had to work. The stitches came out with very little pain. I took the Loritab before I went. A combination of the pain pill and the heat in the Dr.'s office (it was 11 degrees outside at the time) I got very light headed and had to lay down for awhile before I could leave. The betadine is drying up the wound on the back of the toe...I am taking your advice. Quit trying to do MORE just because I am feeling BETTER. I am not HEALED yet!
Shari said…
My doctor's nurse told me that is the biggest mistake people make with this surgery. They overdo because they feel better than they thought they would. And then they suffer the consequences of overdoing it. I did that a couple of times. My doctor assured me that I couldn't harm my feet, I would just have pain and swelling if I did too much. Eventually, I learned. My doctor downplayed the recovery so much. I was glad his nurse told me the best advice she could give me was to give my feet as much rest as possible and not to overdo it. Glad your stitches came out with very little pain. I thought they would!
Anonymous said…
Ok it's been awhile it will be 4 months on the 4th of feb and I'll have to say they are still swollen and or very numb, I can't seem to stay off the is my problem, it's go all the time I can wear boots seems that is all I can wear. Was at the dr today I ask for a steroid shot in the scar to try to get ride of some ofvthe swelling will see how that works, at least there is not pain just discomfort. Sheri hope you are doing good, I'll let you know how I turnabout in a month or so . God bless
Randy said…
Sorry last post came from Randy
Anonymous said…
Hi Shari, I am four months postop today on the right foot and had a great visit at my appointment. (I also have one in the left foot but it is asymptomatic at this time-praise the Lord)! I have thr same wierd sensations you had with your feet. Zings, twinges, swelling, achy and the scar tissue formation on the ball of the foot. I am massaging like crazy twice a day. He assures me he tucked the end of the nerve into the interosseous muscle securely and should not be a problem.

. The latest challenge for me is impingement in the left shoulder of which I start PT next week. Had this for the right and he will work me hard! Hope you are still doing well and that John is still in remission!

I am again extremely thankful for your informative blog that has guided me through this surgery and recovery
Sharon said…
I just had MN surgery today on my right foot and feeling really hopeful. I actually work with a Podiatrist, Orthopedic Sports Medicine Specialists, Orthopedic Foot/Ankle Specialists and PM& R folks so I have my pick of who I wanted to do my surgery. I am an Orthotist, so I generally get to see the patients through various stages of their healing when they come to me for Orthotics or walking boots, or post op healing shoes or whatever the case may be. This is an issue I have been dealing with for about 2 years now and have failed all the conventional treatments and only until now am I ready to make this leap. I feel most comfortable with our Podiatrist and his experience and his outcomes with his patients. I had planned on returning to work with light duty and half days and using the roll about on week three after the sutures were removed. I may have to reconsider. My issue is, when I am not their my part of the clinic is closed. There is no one else to take care of our patients in that capacity until I'm back so I feel a great responsibility to heal as quick as possible. I'm hopeful that since it is only the right foot and since I can roll around instead of walk and put my foot up as much as possible while I am there that it won't be an issue. I have co workers that can carpool with so I won't have to use my driving foot. I also have the post op rocker shoe but in addition to that I have a forefoot unloader post op shoe that I am hoping will make a bigger difference. I would steer clear of the cam walker boot as it will lock up the ankle joint and put pressure and pull in other areas that are most likely already tight. It's been interesting reading all the comments and I'm glad that everyone has found the relief they were looking for. Shari your feet look great! I am already planning a small tattoo just in cast my scar turns out ugly, I'd rather look at something pretty. (But that will require some healing of the skin first). I just read the post about the foot swelling in the knee roller, so coming up with a new plan right now. Think I will sit on the scooter, wheel with one foot and hoist the other over the handle bars. Should be a sight to see.
MN in DC said…
This is incredibly helpful - thank you!

I do have a question about high heels. While I would mostly be doing the surgery to eliminate pain from walking on flat feet, the idea that I might be able to wear some of my beautiful high heels without pain again is alluring. My worst pain from MN is when I wear heels over 2 inches - it's like someone is stabbing a knife in my foot.

Have any of you ladies post-surgery worn heels again and how did it feel?
angie 2014 said…
Thank you for this blog!! I am 9 weeks post op and feet are tight when bending toes up and down. Pt for 4 weeks and some relief but wonderi if I will ever be able to bend my toes.
Anonymous said…
I had one neuroma on each foot. I had them both removed 2 months apart. I never used any pain pills. I just kept it elevated and stayed off my feet for a week. Never really had much swelling with both feet. My podiatrist used dissolvable stitches. I did a follow up 5 days later to change bandage then 2 week check for the ok to wear shoes. I never had PT for my feet I must say its a slow process for recovery. Each week gets better but you have to take it easy. I use to walk miles on a tread mill. Stayed off of it for 5 months. At about 4 months my right foot started acting up. Went back to Pd. He said I was still in heal stages. prescibed me some compound cream to use which calmed the nerve down. What I would do different is massage my feet after 2 months to break up scar tissue. That makes a big difference. I also bought a portable ultrasound machine on eBay for 90 dollars. It is a us proo 2000. That helped break up the scar tissue. My feet get sore from time to time but no big deal. The next day there fine. No regrets. Good luck
Sherrie said…
Looking for some help! Oct 28th,2019 I had two MN on my left foot taken out in addition to a bone spur being shaved off the top of my foot where a nerve sat on top of. 12weeks later still am having a lot of numbness (almost like my foot is asleep), tingling and shooting pains that are just horrible, they wake me up at night to the point I really havn't slept all night since the date of surgery. I am doing PT going to gym and riding stationary bike to keep the foot moving but I am so tired of the pain. My doct has me on 600mg @ day of gabapentin but I really can't tell a difference when taking it or not. He will not give me any pain meds to help to at least sleep at night. Any suggestions would really be appreciated, this is starting to effect my quality of life. My biggest frustration is my husband and I have vacation planned March 1st and I don't want to spend it in misery because of pain. Thank you for this blog!