Wednesday's Dieting and Reading - Part I (dieting)

I have been trying to decide how long to stay on phase one of my diet. Not because I'm craving any forbidden foods, but because I'm very bored with the food I'm eating and I've lost the weight I needed to lose. I'm not skin and bones; I could lose five more pounds. But unless I continue to go without many foods I love, I will gain them back. I know this. The real reason I have wanted to go the whole 14 days is because I want to finish what I started out to do. But when it comes to maintaining a healthy weight, there is no finish line. You just keep going and going and going. Looking at it like a finish line is what messes us up.

So I got on the computer and did more research on the diet this morning. I wanted to find information on why it was so important to do phase one for 14 days and also investigate if there were any drawbacks to doing it that long; trying to make a wise decision. I intentionally read some criticisms of the diet, as well. Some reviewers claim the diet is dangerous and too similar to Atkins. Others praise it. And I found one review that said it was healthy and balanced, except for phase one. It suggested the healthier version would be to just start on phase two. You would lose weight slower, but losing too quickly isn't really good for you and when you lose slower, you are more likely to keep it off.

So, my informed decision was to move to phase two after eight days on phase one. I have still been very careful. The only thing I added today was Uncle Sam cereal and blueberries for breakfast. I don't expect to lose more weight for a few days. And that's okay with me. Interestingly enough, I thought about eating a couple of things that I shouldn't. But I didn't. I even measured out two tablespoons of dressing on my salad.
