Thankful for God's Faithfulness
When I look back over my life and see God's faithfulness to me, I am in awe. At some point in almost every day, I think about where I am and where I could be. And it's all because of God's mercy and grace. It wasn't so long ago that I had no imagination of the plans God had for me; especially the life I would be blessed to live these last twelve years.
It's not that I wasn't blessed prior to the last twelve years, but there was a lot of pain and struggle. I lost my mom to cancer way too young. I was in an abusive marriage for 27 years. And I spent the first 43 years of my life in an oppressive religious cult that kept me from knowing fully the love and grace of God. When you are taught to believe God only gives eternal life to those who earn it by achieving literal perfection (and you can't point to a single person who seems to have achieved that), it's hard to have hope or joy in your heart. I always knew I would never be perfect. But the pain and struggle of all those years makes the joy I have today even sweeter and my appreciation that much deeper.
God was always working in my life, opening windows and doors before I even knew how He intended to use them for my deliverance. But looking back from the perspective of today, so many details jump out as being a part of God's plan for my good.
One of my favorite scriptures is Romans 8:28.
One of my favorite hymns is "Great is Thy Faithfulness." (Thomas Chisholm)
And one of my favorite contemporary worship songs is "Blessed Be Your Name" (Matt and Beth Redman).
I especially love the verse that says:
Blessed be Your name
When the sun's shining down on me
When the world's all as it should be
Blessed be Your name
Blessed be Your name
On the road marked with suffering
Though there's pain in the offering
Blessed be Your name
I have lived with the sun shining down on me and I have walked the road marked with suffering.
If you've read my blog in the past, you already know what a fork in the road I came to and how dramatically my life changed thirteen years ago.
I'll never forget the day I told one of my psychology professors at Lipscomb that I was newly engaged to John and showed him my engagement ring. He knew bits and pieces of my story. And he quoted this scripture to me with a smile on his face:
I will repay you for the years the locusts have eaten ... (Joel 2:25).
I never would have applied that scripture to my life. But the scripture is about God's faithfulness. And it certainly has been proven true.
There will be pain and suffering in all our lives whether we trust God in those times or we do not. There will be future pain and suffering for me. There will be loss. There will be days when the sun does not shine down on me. And when those days come, I will remember His past faithfulness and His promises for my future. I will remind myself, as I always have in times of anxiety and uncertainty, that He has a plan. And though I may not always understand, He works for the good of those who love Him.
It may take time. His timing may not be mine. But ultimately I will see His faithfulness in every aspect of my life.
Whatever your circumstances today, choose to trust Him.
He is trustworthy and He is faithful.
Though He gives and takes away ...
My heart will choose to say, Lord, blessed be Your name.