Books have shipped!

BREAKING THE CHAINS is a published book!

I just went to my online account at Lightning Source and checked my book order. It has said "Printing" all weekend.


The books are coming from nearby Lavergne. I just can't imagine that it will take more than two or three days for me to have them. I guess I better get my shipping work space set up! I can't wait to start sending books to those of you have have pre-ordered and waited so patiently.

I want to share something with you. As you know, I ordered 300 books. I actually noticed something very, very minor in the second proof that I had missed. It's just a space in a scripture reference that was unintended. In all my read-throughs, I never noticed it. My editor never noticed it. My proofreaders didn't notice it. So, I can't tell you why, after countless edits and two proofs, I finally saw it. But once I did, I had to make a decision. Would I delay printing the first shipment in order to submit a revision or just go ahead and print the first batch?

John rolled his eyes when I suggested I might need to do another revision. He insisted that I was the only person who would ever see that space. Of course, being who I am, he wasn't thinking about the fact that I would have to TELL everyone there was a mistake in the book. I remember when I used to wear a cubic zirconia that looked so real. I would get so many compliments on that ring and I would always say, "It's not real." That's just my personality.

I have pointed out the error to every single person I've shown the book to. I always get the same reaction. Terra laughed at me when I said that maybe God did not want me to have a "perfect" book. She said that space did not even qualify as an imperfection. So I decided to leave it and forget about it. No new file, period.

Well, I can't do that. It's bugging me. And I can fix it. But I did not want to delay the first shipment. I knew that space wouldn't bother anyone but me. So I printed 300 books and now that they have shipped, I am going to submit a corrected file for any future shipments. I just wanted to share with those of you who have purchased the book that you will know you have one of the first 300 copies because only those 300 copies will have a space in one scripture reference. (If you don't see it, email me and I'll give you the page number.) In a way, I thought that would be kind of a neat way to mark the first 300 copies. Maybe my thinking is just "looking on the bright side." I certainly would have preferred to catch every tiny mistake before I printed any books. But if my book becomes a best seller, you will have collector's editions. (ROFL...I say this completely tongue in cheek. I know this book is not going to be a best seller. It's a joke!)

I just wanted to announce that I will have 300 books some time this week. If you have been waiting for me to announce that the book is in print before ordering, this is that announcement.

BREAKING THE CHAINS has been published!
