
I intended to write on my blog about today's inauguration much earlier than this. However, I wound up spending the evening writing a restaurant review. I will have a review of Lemongrass (Thai and Sushi) in this Sunday's Post. The review I wrote tonight is on a new Mexican restaurant in town (for a future publication). When the articles appear online, I will add the link to my other Post articles.

I have also begun another writing project this week. Yes, the book. Who knows what will come of it, but I have embarked upon the journey just to see where it takes me. When I am writing elsewhere, I sometimes neglect my blog. I'll try not to.

I spent a lot of today glued to the inauguration coverage. My emotions have been so mixed. I was telling John that in spite of strongly disagreeing with some of the policies and changes Obama intends to implement within his first 100 days, there is something about him that even makes me feel cautiously hopeful. In spite of the fact that I did not vote for him, I want him to be a good president. I intend to pray for him; specifically that he will lead well and make godly decisions. I know he comes to office with an agenda, but God can also change his mind.

As I listened to the opening prayer today, I wondered if there had been any restrictions put on Rick Warren. I so hoped he would not compromise his faith to participate in this inauguration. I was relieved when he closed the prayer by emphasizing the name of Jesus. I realize that our country is not united in faith, but someone who professes Christianity should proclaim the name of Jesus. I am sometimes a bit skeptical of anyone who would claim Christianity while avoiding the claims Christ made about Himself in order to expand their public appeal or acceptance. Thankfully, Rick Warren did not do this.

It's obvious that President Obama is trying to reach out to every segment of the population. I thought he gave a good speech. I didn't like the comments that were directed at President Bush and his administration. But I was impressed with the graciousness Bush showed throughout this transition, right up to his departure today. And, in my opinion, Laura Bush was one of our classiest First Ladies. I will miss her.

Despite all my mixed emotions about the direction our country may be going in, I felt proud that our country has moved past the racial prejudice that would have made the election of a black president unthinkable in years past. I could truly share and relate to the joy and excitement of all African Americans today. They should be proud. They should be celebrating. This is a day many of us thought we might never see.

As Christians, we have a responsibility to pray for our country and our leaders. Prayer changes things. God is still on the throne. I hope that we all, including myself, take our responsibility to heart and pray that God will intervene on our behalf and continue to bless our country.
