Thanksgiving Memories
Danny, Rebecca and the boys decided to hang out here for one more night. A chance to get a little extra sleep this morning couldn't hurt. I woke up this morning with aching feet and hands. On Thanksgiving, I practically stand all day long. And I cut both of my thumbs (nothing serious) during sweet potato prep. So they are sore. You don't realize how much you use your thumbs until they are impaired. Actually, we had quite a funny moment when I inflicted my first cooking injury of the day. A sweet potato fell to the floor with a thud and I think Cheryl thought I had chopped my hand off. Once everybody knew I was fine, it was pretty funny (her reaction). I'm used to hurting myself in the kitchen. I got through yesterday less wounded than some previous holidays. I only cut myself. I didn't burn any fingers or arms this year!
We had a wonderful Thanksgiving. And now it's time to start thinking about Christmas. I know some people start thinking and planning for Christmas before now, but I have to focus on one upcoming event at a time.