From Today's "Daily Thought" Subscription: Truth and Error

Langham Partnership Daily Thought
A Service of Langham Partnership International & John Stott Ministries

13 May 2008
Truth and Error (cont’d.)

269. Christian discernment
Jesus warned his disciples of false prophets. So did Paul and Peter. Still today there are many voices clamouring for our attention, and many cults gaining widespread popular support. Some of them claim a special revelation or inspiration to authenticate their particular doctrine. There is need for Christian discernment. For many are too gullible, and exhibit a naive readiness to credit messages and teachings which purport to come from the spirit-world. There is such a thing, however, as a misguided tolerance of false doctrine. Unbelief (*do not believe every spirit*, 1 Jn. 4:1) can be as much a mark of spiritual maturity as belief. We should avoid both extremes, the superstition which believes everything and suspicion which believes nothing.--

From "The Letters of John" (Tyndale New Testament Commentaries: rev. edn. Leicester: IVP; Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1988), p. 156.
