A great first day!
If every day goes as smoothly as today, it's going to be much easier than I thought! These boys were angels all day long. They didn't even fight. I put Joshua down for his nap about twenty minutes after Andrew. Thirty minutes after I left him (Joshua), I could still hear him singing on the monitor. And then silence. Andrew got up a little before Joshua. So we played in the kitchen for a while. Andrew liked his new monkey.

Yes, Andrew loves to eat. And what a sweet kid. I put them both in my tub after dinner and they played "bathketball" -- splashed and giggled forever. I thought I would never get them out of that tub. Andrew tried to crawl away when I reached for him to take him out and just laughed. I put him to bed by 8:00. But I just couldn't make Joshua go to bed until 9:30 (way past his bed time). We were just having too much fun. We were sitting on the couch at one point and I said, "You are my special boy, Joshua." And he said, "You're special, too, Grandma Shari." A little later, he looked at me, reached his hand over, patted my arm, and said, "I love you."
He ate a little pizza and then some dry cereal (Mighty Bites, Rebecca). They both had their milk. He kept wanting to sleep on the couch next to Poppy John (who was watching the Predators). Finally, I convinced him it was time to go upstairs and sing Jingle Bells (that's what I sing to him when I tuck him in -- it's our little routine). He giggles when I sing "laughing all the way."Sometimes he sings it with me. Oh, Rebecca, tonight he kept singing his ABC's to me over and over. He was so pleased with himself. It sounds like this: a b c d e f g k a minno minno p, q r s, t u v, w x, y and c. Now I know my abc's. Next time won't you sing with me?
When I tucked him in, he asked me to sing Jingle Bells a second time. Then he waved bye-bye and blew me a kiss as I left the room. He was ready for bed at that point. I hope they don't wake up at 6:00 AM. But I already can't wait to see them in the morning.
Too stinkin cute about Joshua's ABC's. I read every single letter and laughed so hard. All these posts about the boys' antics brings back so many wonderful memories of my boys at that age. I wish I could go back and have them that age for a day or two then fast forward back to today where they're 16 and 14 and do not need me to bathe them and get them out of ever life-threatening situation they got themselves into.
Thanks for posting the details of your time with the boys. I'm sure Rebecca will appreciate it when she gets back from her trip but I do too! :)
Those are good memories that bring a smile to my face. Danny looked so much like little Joshua and couldn't have been much older than him when I babysat him. And I thought you had the coolest canisters because they had "The Bryant's" painted on them. I never could figure out how you got those! LOL
We're having a great morning. Joshua woke up at 6:30 (in a great mood so far). At 8:30, Andrew still hadn't cried and I was getting concerned. So I went to check on him and he was just sitting in his bed smiling. I have no idea how long he'd been awake.
Joshua has had a waffle, milk and juice so far. I have been sitting on the floor with Andrew, feeding him cinnamon raisin toast (whole grain) and letting him drink his milk. He has given me at least a dozen kisses (unasked). It is SO precious. I thought this was going to be tougher than it is. I'm having a ball. Thanks for your comments.
Rebecca will probably check my blog from their friends' computer before she gets home. I thought it would be fun to have some pictures and details for her (although we do talk on the phone and she already knows a few of the details).
When she called last night, I asked (sheepishly), "How bad is it that I have not put Joshua to bed yet?" She said, "You're the one who has to deal with him tomorrow." LOL. When she dropped them off, she said, "What happens at Grandma's stays at Grandma's."